Cody Canada of Cross Canadian Ragweed at The Salvage Station in Asheville North Carolina
Cody Canada of Cross Canadian Ragweed at The Salvage Station in Asheville North Carolina
Cody Canada (Michael Bragg)

By: Michael Bragg (Photo Gallery & Review) of MJBragg Photography 

ASHEVILLE, NC (September 29th, 2018) – Cody Canada rolled into Asheville, NC this evening with his band “The Departed” for a show at the Salvage Station.  Fans gathered early at this unique venue, a former junkyard turned into a multi-use entertainment space.  With a laid back atmosphere Cody and band took some time to speak with a few of these fans between setting up for the nights performance.  As show time neared the crowd gathered to the front of the stage as the band led into what would be over a 2 hour event.

Cody, along with Eric Hansen on drums and Jeremy Plato on bass kicked it off with “Inbetweener” and “Leave Me Alone”  engaging the crowd right from the start.  Playing an array of songs from his 15yr catalog of music with former band Cross Canadian Ragweed along with tunes from his nearly 9yr run as “Cody Canada & The Departed” diehard supporters sang along with each and every tune throughout the night.  Cody took a moment to acknowledge the crowd after several songs and thank them for the attentiveness citing the rise of cell phone use during shows.  Playing other favorites like “Pay,” “Number,” and “Brooklyn Kid” the band mixed in some new compositions from their latest album relase titled “3” as well.  “Lipstick” and “Daughter of The Devil” were featured from the new album.  

Mid set Cody broke out a new custom made guitar built by Martin Moore of 357 Custom Guitars that had been presented to him before the show.  As an owner of one of these 357 Customs myself I was curious as to what Canada’s thought on his new one may be.  During a moment after the performance while speaking with Cody I proposed that question where he complimented the craftmanship and playability.  As any long time fan knows Cody is usually only seen with his road worn silver Paul Reed Smith so it was a bit of a surprise to see Cody play the new axe through 5 songs.  Questioning him about this Canada stated, “yeah, I’m usually a one woman type of guy but that thing played so smooth and responded so well I just couldn’t put her down.”

As the show came to an end after taking fans on a dynamic night of musical ups and downs with there raw, edgy, blues and rock fueled style of red dirt country music  “The Departed” took to leaving the stage where they were quickly called back out by loud cheering and applause.  Returning for a 3 song encore that kicked off with “Dimebag,” a tribute to the late Dimebag Darrell of Pantera, fans erupted with enthusiasm.  The band waving to the crowd exited the stage once again where they were called back out for a second encore.  Canada noted that it has been a long time since the band did 2 encores and how great it was to have the support of so many people far away from their Texas home base.  “Alabama” was the closing song for the night where this time the band exited the stage to join the crowd taking pics and signing merch showing their appreciation for all in attendance.

Cody Canada 

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Copyright – Michael Bragg/MJBragg Photography 

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