Reno, NV (3/22/25) – What can I say about Saturday night’s Tesla show at the Grand Sierra Resort? Well, my ears are STILL ringing!!! Those guys up on that stage rocked it LOUD! Two of the best compliments I think I can give are that they sound amazing (like they do on their albums), and they kept the entire crowd on their feet the entire night. Of course, after touring for nearly 40 years, Tesla are bona-fide professionals. They not only know how to work the crowd, they also know how to build up the apprehension as well. Once the house lights went dark, the Tesla logo began to flicker and flash to the sound of radio static. If the crowd was on edge, at least they were on their feet and yelling, “TESLA!” As Steve Brown took his throne behind the drums, Tesla’s logo was no longer flashing. Brown prominently raised his arms in gracious yet somewhat victorious response just beneath the name “TESLA” that was now emblazoned in bright neon white.

Once the rest of the band took the stage, they very appropriately kicked the show off with “Rock Me To The Top.” In my opinion, there really wasn’t a better way to follow that song than to immediately blaze into “Modern Day Cowboy,” which they did. Throughout their 17-song set, Tesla performed many crowd favorites, as well as all of their hits. At one point Dave Rude (guitar), Frank Hannon (guitar), Jeff Keith (vocals) pulled up stools as Brian Wheat (bass) sat at a piano, taking us all back to their certified platinum “Five Man Acoustical Jam” album. Amidst all of their hits they also flawlessly performed their latest single “All About Love” to raucous applause from the crowd.

“All About Love” is available digitally or on a limited edition 12″ vinyl with both electric and acoustic versions of the song. The vinyl also includes “From The Heart” and “Walk Away” (a James Gang cover). So, what can I say about Tesla’s performance? The band sounds amazing! Jeff Keith’s signature raspy vocals are on point, and he can work that stage as good as, if not better than anybody I’ve seen. Be sure to catch Tesla at a show near you, and show them some much deserved love. After all, it’s “All About Love”.

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Copyright: Chris Couture Photography

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